
I just wanted to introduce myself. Am 52 and currently seeing a chiropractor due to having spasms in my lower back, caused by an injury at the beginning of the year whilst being very stubborn moving big boxes I shouldn't have moved! Between the ages of 13 and 15 I had sarcoma of the pubic bone, but kept defying the doctors and have led a normal life. The chiropractor has advised me that my sacrumilleac ...sorry I don't know how to spell it... has been out of joint due to standing incorrectly since I was young. Recently I have been getting terrible burning and stabbing pains in my groin area on the side where I had all my surgery long ago ... got to be honest, am concerned in case it could come back. They told me when I was young that the form of sarcoma I had couldn't return, but it kept on even after radiotherapy etc ... just felt this could be a safe place to get this off my chest! Thank you 


    Hi Eggnog,

    Welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear about your concerns. Instead of worrying about this, why not contact your GP and get this investigated?

    I sincerely hope that your medical team were right that your scarcoma couldn't return, but you are certainly better to be sure than sorry.
    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx.