I hope you are all keeping well (well as well as you can be)
I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer, I am now three weeks post surgery (lumpectomy) and I am due a telephone consultation on the 3rd of June to discuss what they have found and I'm assuming next steps of treatment. I was told by my oncologist that despite the biopises showing it had not spread to my lymph nodes, chemotherapy is still a possiblity.
I was so scared of surgery, and now I've been through it it wasn't as dreadful as I imagined, but I hadn't even considered how scary chemo would be. From what I have read from others going through it, it sounds like hell. I am so so so scared about having to have chemo and all the side effects that come with, and I know it sounds very superficial but the thing that upsets me the most is the thought of losing my hair. It brings me to tears every time I think about it.
I know people try to be helpful and say "it'll grow back" but they not the ones who will have to go through it. I don't think I'm prepared for it, and with the current pandemic going on, face to face support groups will not be accessible.
I was just wondering how people prepared for chemo/how you felt about it and any tips on how to get through it, especially coping with hair loss.
Thank you & take care, x