Hi everyone,
Feeling a bit shell shocked at the moment but looking for some similar experiences and support. I was diagnosed yesterday with an ER and PR negative tumour in my right breast, it is HER2 positive though so I know I will need chemotherapy. The tumour at the moment only looks to be 2cm and no sign of spread on the initial scans but I am having an MRI next week to check for spread to the other breast or lymph nodes. So far the plan is for a lumpectomy rather than a full mastectomy.
I have a 6 month old baby and only found the lump a couple of weeks ago so this is all completely overwhelming. I had convinved myself that the lump was breastfeeding related and so the diagnosis was a complete shock. I have already met a lovely fellow mum through these forums so looking for more people to see this process through with. I am terrifiesd that the cancer has spread and that I'm not going to see my little boy grow up.
I was feeding my baby with expressed breast milk and was so pleased to be able to do this during the current pandemic. In order to have the MRI I have to take medication to stop my milk supply. This in some ways was more brutal than the diagnosis as I have worked so hard to keep pumping for nearly 7 months. I am keen to hear from anyone else who had their breastfeeding journey brought to an end so abruptly - I feel like I am grieving for this relationship with my baby.
Any hope/context/support is gratefully received!
Keep well everyone.