Recent Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Hi there,

I'm 25 years old and on monday the 23rd of march 2020 I was told that they had found a small cancerous lump in my breast. This came as a complete shock to me, as the Dr who I saw at the Breast Clinic was almost sure it was Fibroadenoma, but obvisouly the biopsy results showed differently, and rather naively I didn't think otherwise. No one in my family that I know of has had breast, ovarian or prostate cancer. I was absolutely distraught upon hearing the news, and so are my family. I had some more tests done yesterday to learn more about the cancer, but I do not find out my results until next week, so it's just a waiting game until then. 

I guess my worry is, is that it has spread, and this will be even harder to deal with. I also keep thinking about my hair falling out due to chemotherapy/radiation treatment (which I know is silly) but it makes me so upset when I think about it. I've also been spoken to about having my eggs frozen in case i want to try for children later on. I honestly didn't even think about everything else cancer would effect, it's all very overwhelming and scary. 

As no one in my family has really had any dealings with cancer (apart from my uncle who passed away from mouth cancer, but he lived in another country where healthcare is not to a high standard) I feel very uneducated about the topic, but the more I read up on it, the more I freak myself out. 

I guess what i'm trying to say is how do people cope with what is out of their control? I of course can't control if the cancer has spread/what stage/what type of cancer is it, so how do you come to terms with this? How do you stop thinking the worse? I know It's no use me getting worked up about it until i've had my results back, but I can't help myself thinking the worse. I would really appreciate any tips/advice for this.

Thank you so much x 

  • Hi there ..

    Oh my, no wonder your so worried ... at that age it is so rare .. and I know when any of us hear the word cancer, our minds go crazy with "what ifs" and everything that may happen ..

    Firstly take a deep breath ... I started on here like you in 2017 and found I had a grade 3 ... which after reading up, thought my number was up .. did all the what ifs .. even planed my funeral ... wrote all my good bye letters to those I loved ... hid away and cryed and cussed my way through over a day ...

    I'm so glad I came on here ... and that and my daughter in law,  who sat me and my son down and said .. no more panicking ... no more what ifs.... no more looking ahead .. well live in the day and take every problem as and when it comes up ... and well do it together... it was the best advice I've ever had ...

    I stopped all those things ... got myself a pair of pink vertual boxing gloves... got in this cancer ring, ready to take cancer on ... I met 5/6 other breast lasses on here... we all joined around the same time ... we held each other up through the tough times ... and had a big high 5 for the good ones ... you see cancer wants us to lay down and never get up... to give up .. then we feel weak ... but it doesn't like it when we take it on .. yes we may get low days .. but we have those feelings, then get up again ready for the next round ... we hear all those sad stories on t.v ... but there's loads living with and through cancer ..

    Those other lasses I started with ... ones just had a baby ... and most have gone back to their life post cancer.and a couple of us stay on here to help new lasses .... and we didnt loose one of them .. 

    My granddaughter who's just 18 was diagnosed a few weeks ago with acute myeloid leukaemia... she's up in London hospital now on her second round of chemo .. her mum has been as positive with her as she was with me .. I'm so so proud of her .. she's got her vertual gloves on, kicking cancers butt ..

    So come on lass .. you cuss and get those feelings out .. then come join us kicking *** ... sending you a big vertual hug... Chrissie xx 

  • Hi Chrissie,

    Thank you so much for your kind words, to know that I am not alone in this really helps. I'm very sorry to hear that your had to go through this, and about your granddaughter too, life seems so unfair sometimes, I hope she makes a full recovery. We are very lucky to have such supportive families, and to have a community like this with such kind and caring people who can share their experiences, it is a great resource. 

    Everyone say's that I am coping well, but I think thats because it's not really sunk in yet, alongside the current state of the world, it all feels a bit surreal to be honest, but i will get my boxing gloves on! 

    Your advice sounds great, i think that is the best way to get through it, take one day at a time and try not to think too much into the future, as I found it can be overwhelming. I have people around me who are more logical and calm thinkers, whereas i tend to be quite emotional so it's good to have those kinds of people around sometimes to stop me from overthinking. 

    I hope you are keeping well, and I think its great that you're still on here to talk, support and offer advice, it is really useful to get other people's opinions on how to deal with things, makes me feel less alone, and that i can get through it. 

    I wish you and your family all the best, 

    Jaime xx