Can any help

I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in December 19 I had my full kidney removed as the cancer was in my mid pole  I had surgery on the 6th Feb the pain comes and goes all the time I keep getting a burning pain where the kidney was pulled out I had keyhole surgery and I'm alose getting.g pain where the kidney should be I'm a rare case apparently because I'm only 38 does everyone still get all this pain 

  • Hello Becca1234, 

    I hope that you will meet some of our other forum members who are or have been in a similar situation following keyhole surgery. I think it would be a good idea to talk to your specialist or your doctor about this as they will probably be able to tell you more about this and they will be able to explore the best pain relief options targeted to your particular case. So don't hesitate to give them a call or to get in touch with them again if you have already done so and explaining how you are feeling and whether there is anything they can do to help. 

    I hope you feel better soon and that this pain gets sorted quickly. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator