Lung cancer

Hi I am a 15 year old and a smoker I have been gettin back pains , chest pains my jaw has been hurting and I have been getting pains at the side of my head my lungs r going smaller and I am very worried that I will die and my arm has been sore but I don't know if it's cos the way I have been sleeping my breathing is not that good but I have always had trouble with breathing I just want to know what is wrong and if I have lung cancer I am really worried I don't want to die so early


  • Hello [@Answers]‍ 

    Sorry to hear that you've been feeling unwell recently. 
    As you've mentioned that you're only 15 years old, it would be very unlikely that you have cancer however it's certainly possible that snoking is contributing towards your symptoms. 

    Please do make an appointment to see your GP or speak to your parent or trusted adult and they will be able to help. 

    I hope that you start to feel better soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • hey i am going through the exact same thing, so exactly that i thought i wrote this post myself and forgot about it. i'm in hospital at the minute because of my pains which started in my ribs and have spread round my back, shoulders, arms and legs. i'm scared of dying aswell and no doctor thinks i have it but i want peace of mind at least.