25 And Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

I'm 25 and have 2 children aged 1year and 3years. I was diagnosed with breast cancer the 2nd of December 2019 I've had mammograms and other scans but now they've found a lump in my lymph nodes! I get my results from the biopsy for that on Wednesday, but have a chest and abdomen scan on Tuesday. Very worried shocked as there's no family history of this. 

  • So sorry to hear your diagnosis niknik I will be having recovering structive surgery but they are delaying it until the gene test comes back as if its positive I will have to have the other breast removed. I had a needle biopsy on my lymph nodes which came back inconclusive so when they done my masectomy they tested the tissue on the lymph nodes and it came back cancerous so I had to have a axillary node clearance. So when I go back to have a scan next week fingers crossed it's the last of my surgery and then I can start chemo and radio. Xx

  •  Bless you thank you for your reply, I am waiting results back on a couple of things but need to ask about the genes test as although as far as my mum is aware there isn't Breast cancer in the family but my Nan died this year at the wonderful age of 95 but who would know if she didn't have it and I'm worried for my daughter.

    i am having a sentinel lymph removal when I have my mastectomy so I'm hoping all will be fine after that.

    Sending lots of positivity to you and fingers crossed xx