Colon Cancer

Hi, my wife was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with a cancerous lump in the lower part of her bowel, they rushed her into surgery a week later and she is now home after a 5 hour session on the table. She is in good spirit and we decided to face it head on and deal with what ever gets thrown at us with a positive attitude. This is all good and well, however we have not yet had a response on whether or not the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes and therefore we cannot plan anything. I wander has anyone else had something similar that has recovered. If so how long did it take to regain strength? My wife is 37, we have 2 beautiful children and I need her to bounce back to be her usual self as best as possible. Many thanks in advance for any info.

  • Hi Kitty,

    I stumbled across your post and felt compelled to reply.

    Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about what you have recently gone through, thank God it was found and you can start treatment.

    I am 37. A secretary in a Drs practice. I have an almost identical sounding situation to yours. It's far too long to explain entirely but I too have a lump in/around appendix area which is still of "indeterminate" nature. I get pain, bloating and horrible toilet issues. IBS has been discussed but deep down I know it's more than that. I have an appointment with Gastroenterologists on the 23rd January. 

    Apart from the pain you had that landed you in A&E, did you have any other symptoms or anything? 

    I really appreciate your reply,

    Martyne x

  • Hello, 

    I really hope you get some answers soon. Keep pushing for tests cause I just accepted my ‘ibs’ and I’m gutted cause I’ve had it for years... who knows where I’d be now if I’d have pushed for answers... 

    I didn’t have any other major symptoms other than pain at times, but not bad enough to make me think it was my appendix... I just put it down to ‘wind’ or ‘ ibs’... 

    I had bloating and toilet problems (mostly diaorreah ) again which I assumed was just regular ibs. 

    I was generally in good health, relatively fit... I climbed a mountain in Wales two weeks before my appendix came out!! 

    I really hope yours gets sorted, and hopefully removed with no other problems. From what I understand from my oncologist, if my appendix hadn’t burst it would have been removed and id only need chemo tablets. But because it burst I now need everything.... 

    just want to get treatment started now... 

    good luck to you and I hope you get a answers soon xx

  • Jeez, sounds awful, and and an obvious complete shock as you were climbing mountains!!

    I'm currently in the middle of a complaint with my NHS trust, I've been wronged by them on so many levels its unreal, I'm desperate to get answers to everything so I can just know what on earth is going on in there coz whatever it is, it ain't right. 

    I'm sorry it was too late for you in terms of chemo tablets, that sucks.

    Keep me posted on your treatment and how you get on with it, I really do wish you all the best and hope you don't get too sick from it xxxxxxx