So weve just found out my little brother has cancer and I don't know what to do x
So weve just found out my little brother has cancer and I don't know what to do x
Hi tinkas 22 High do you know were his C is, how old is he,. There are a lot of people with the same problem you can talk to on here. Please reply soon.
Hey Tinkas,
I'm really sorry to hear about your brother, do you know what kind of cancer he has? I was the same when my dad got diagnosed with cancer, I just couldn't believe it and I felt so out of control and just like you had no idea what to do. As we learnt more about what was going to happen, I looked for ways in which I could help. The only thing we can do as people who love them is be there for them and support them where we can, it will mean alot to your brother whatever age he is that you are there with him. I know even this is a big thing, its not easy to be there for someone when they are going through something so hard, its hard for us to see, its hard to cope with so make sure you take care of yourself too, if you feel its getting too much take some time out if you can i know its difficult. I found it hard to leave my dads side, but I am a huge worrier!
Hope to hear back soon,
Bex x