Parent of a teen with cancer

My 15 year old daughter has been diagnosed with bowle cancer and started treatment last week, I find that all she wants to do is stay at home, sleep and watch telly. She doesnt want to eat or see friends - I'm worried as this cant be any good to her mental health. Any advice?

  • Hi Faz,

    So sorry to read about your daughter's diagnosis - such a shock at any age, let alone at 15. You are both probably feeling pretty scared too. As a Dad I can only imagine what you are going through. 

    What treatment is she on? Anyone who has been through chemo or radiotherapy will be able to relate to her only wanting to sleep, stay at home and watch telly. The physical impact of starting treatment can be debilitating.

    When I was on chemo I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for much of the time, the rest of the time I spent reading and binge watching DVD box sets. At times, I was simply too exhausted to even think about seeing friends. My appetite was almost non existent and it took an effort to follow the care team's advice to eat little and often. 

    My wife was wonderful in encouraging me to eat and in the end after a couple of days recovering from a chemo infusion I forced myself to get out of the house and take the dog for a walk. 

    I hope someone else replies who is able to give some more practical advice!


    Best wishes
