Oral Cancer

Hi guys, 


im 18 and for the last 8 months I've had what seems to look like a puss filled lump on my tonsil. I went to the GP time and time again and had loads of tests. They assured me it was just strep throat and did tests to rule out Glandular Fever, which came back clear. 8 months on I keep getting Tonsilitis every month without fail. I went to the GP today to be told I have possible cancer. I'm heartbroken and don't know who to tell or how. I feel like I'm ashamed and don't even want my boyfriend to know. I have a baby brother and sister. Twins. I don't want to leave them. Can someone please give me some advice on how to tell people. I don't want to hurt anyone

  • Hi there ..

    Those Drs should hang their head in shame ... but o.k so now at least you know ... but you said possible cancer so I'm thinking till they do tests and maybe a biopsy , which is quite normal ... I'm hoping it will be a better result then it looks ..

    Firstly I'd tell your boyfriend .. think how you would want to be told if it was him ... gentle honesty is my way of doing things ... don't be afraid to cry with him ... it's when we hold feelings in it gets overwhelming,  and a hug at this time , I always thought was really comforting ... talk when your settled for the evening so he has time to process it ... you will need all your loved ones around, and esp their support ... I couldn't have gone through my cancer journey with out mine ... yes they may be upset and scared .. but holding each other's hand is so important .. and your boyfriend may help you to tell them ..

    My granddaughter was 5 at the time, and those young ones pick up on things .. so we told her nanny was very poorly and the Drs were going to TRY to make nanny better ... I think those young one are much braver and stronger then we think .. and when it's just enough info that's appropriate for their age .. but try to answer their questions honestly but gently. .

    Try to live in the day ... my daughter in law also sat us all down, and said no more panicking ... no more "what ifs" well take every day and every problem as and when it comes up ... and we'll do it together ..they were the wisest words, and advice I got .. but we also shared feelings along the way .. and true to her word we did everything together ... so although those first thoughts and being afraid to tell people really comes right in the end ... it did for me ... and remember cancer treatment has come a long way .. 

    Sending you a big vertual hug. .. Chrissie