Breast Cancer as a Teenager

I suppose the title says it all, but I am fourteen and have been diagnosed with breast cancer; I have also have been told that they cannot operate until 16, or perform a mammogram until 16 either... fighting a losing battle against my own body I suppose?


    Hi Inkyfingertips,

    I am so sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis at such a young age. Can you have any treatment in the meantime, or do you have to wait until you are 16 for that too?

    Try to continue to stay as fit as you can and eat a good healthy diet. Is there any cancer in your family, or are you just unfortuate?

    I hope that something can be done to help you before your 16th birthday.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hey hun, 

    I'm just so sorry to hear that you are going through this at all, nevermind at such a young age. Are you 14 or 15? Its just that I saw one of your other posts and you said you were 15, I get brain fog so excuse me being confused! Haha. But I saw your other post, where your mum was diagnosed with breast cancer too. I really don't know what to say, my mum has an aggressive form of breast cancer too, and I myself am bed bound, which I know is a lot different to cancer, but I just want you to know that I understand what it's like when your mum has cancer and when you're ill yourself. Much like yourself, my mum is my best friend, so it's been such a heartbreaking time since her diagnosis. 

    As jolamine asked, are they planning on giving yourself any treatment until you reach the age as to where they can operate etc? I hope so, as then at least something will be being done. You may be offered an ultrasound scan instead of a mammogram, because mammograms don't show up breast tissue properly until I think its 45, so hopefully an ultrasound is something that may be a possibility for yourself. 

    Keep smiling, be positive and know that you're not alone, especially on this forum, as there are many wonderful people who will be there for you and reply to you, as Jolamine already has done. You can message me any time. Lots of love, 

    Alexia xx

  • What symptoms did you have ? I'm 16 nearly 17 and I have been feeling discomfort and pain in both breast for 3/4 days but my doctor said everything looked and felt normal but painkillers aren't helping and my armpits are slightly sore now aswell . 


    Hi Bobbi,

    I am glad to hear that your GP says that everything looks and feels normal. Many women find that discomfort and pain can be associated with their monthly cycle - do you think that this might be the case with you? Why not wait a few weeks and, if this doesn't settle, don't be afraid to contact your GP again. You are always entitled to have a second opinion if you are not convinced that your GP is correct.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I was suppose to wait 2 weeks and monitor my pain but it felt like it had gotten worse over night especially on the outer sections of my breast , the doctors wouldn't see me but I had a phone call and she said because I've been on my pill for so long it's likely my cycle or period that is causing my pain and she thinks it is normal hormonal pain but the pain could last 7 months if pain killers don't sort it out , I just get worried because I feel as if my breast are on the more lumpy side but I've read that's normal to have lumpier Breast tissue as they're still developing . 


    Hi Bobbi,

    Many women have naturally lumpy breasts, so your GP is probably right in her diagnosis. I am not a doctor, but I understand that pain is seldom a sign of breast cancer.

    Do as your GP has advised and monitor your breasts. If you see any change, try to make an appointment with another doctor in the practice if you want another opinion.


    Jolamine xx

  • Hi I'm 14 and I think about 5 days ago I started getting sharp pains or like aches in my breasts and now my armpits are itchy I'm just so scared I don't know what to do 


    Hi Abiii,

    A very warm welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry that you have had to visit us at your age. I am not a doctor so cannot say for certain, but it sounds as if these pains might be due to your monthly cycle. It is unusual, although not impossible for someone of your age to have cancer.

    Have you discussed this with your mum? This is the best place to start. After that you should phone your GP and explain your symptoms. Despite the current pandemic your GP can still see you if s/he deems it necessary, although you are most likely to have a telephone consultation initially.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    I shall keep my fingers crossed for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Yh I have a doctors appointment tomorrow I'll tell you how it goes x


    Hi Abiii,

    I hope that it all goes well for you tomorow.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx