I’m female 41yrs, recently had craniotomy and about to start radiotherapy.
any tips or advice for radiotherapy
I’m female 41yrs, recently had craniotomy and about to start radiotherapy.
any tips or advice for radiotherapy
Hello Spenny83,
I just wanted to welcome you to our forum and as you mentioned you had a craniotomy I suspect you were diagnosed with a brain tumour? Feel free to tell us more about your story and diagnosis if you wish to do so. I hope that the radiotherapy will go well and we have information on our website on radiotherapy for brain tumours which I hope you will find useful and which will talk you through what it means and the steps involved in having radiotherapy for brain tumours as well as the possible side effects of radiotherapy.
I thought I would also mention Alleloc - this is a member who posted this thread a couple of weeks ago on the forum who has a progressive brain tumour and had radiotherapy recently - in fact they finished radiotherapy treatment on 3rd of December so they have come out the other side and would therefore be a great person for you to connect with.
I also wanted to give you our nurses' number if you have any questions - you can call them Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on this free number 0808 800 4040 and they will be very happy to answer any questions you may have on radiotherapy for example.
I hope that you can start radiotherapy soon and that it all goes well for you. Have you got a date yet as to when you might be starting treatment?
Best wishes,
Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi ali. Here. Certainly here if I cam help with any questions. I'm 4 wks pint radiotherapy now. Headaches were the worst for me about wk3 post end. Spent most of Xmas fretting about headaches in a period where I wasn't expecting them tbh. So a worrying time. Oncology team weren't concerned unless I'd had accompanied symptoms like vision issues. Nausea/ vomiting but do seek advice if you are unsure, best to trt to ease the anxiety because that's not helpful as I truly know/ understand!
Had a scan yesterday results due on Monday. I hope if anyone saw anything untoward there would have been a red flag raised.
Hi Alleloc,
A very warm welcome to the forum.
I hope that you have had your results by now and that your treatment has worked.
Please keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on. We are always here for you.
Kind regards,
Jolamine xx
Scan inflamed but nothing unexpected noted. Treatments will be ongoing. There is no cure for brain cancer unfortunately. I hope that Cruk can invest more in brain treatments and target cures. It's long over due.
I'm waiting for a response from one of your teams as to the investment in brain as I may look to direct my monthly donations to brain tumour research instead. I unfortunately cant see any investments in brain cancer treatments. Hopefully someone will send me this data shortly.
Thank you Jolamine xx
Hi Alleloc,
I just came across your post and wanted to share some information we have on our website around research into brain and nerve cell tumours, in case you hadn’t seen this before. It has details on past and current research that has been carried out by studying the biology of brain and nerve cell tumours.
Hopefully you will receive a response from one of our teams with more data soon, but I hope this helps in the meantime.
Kind regards,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
Thanks Steph! Also had a reply from someone at cruk earlier today.