Struggling with diagnosis

I had breast cancer in 2022 and beat it in 2023 I found out 2 days ago it’s came back and spread to my lung Im so scared I’ve got 3 young children and I’m struggling to come to terms that this has happened to me again and this time it’s worse my anxiety is through the roof. I don’t have a treatment plan yet and don’t know how bad this is I’m still at the waiting stage I’ve got fluid in my lung which is very painful I can hardly move. I’m only 38 years old and so worried for my life has anybody been in the same boat as me has any one got any breast and lung survivor stories that I can get comfort from I’m really struggling and had trauma from my dad passing away in 2022 from lung cancer really struggling not to compare myself to him please help a very frightened mum thanks 

  • My Mum and Grandad’s cancer experience were poles apart. All of us had chemo but weirdly I didn’t lose much hair - despite being told I’d lose everything because the EOX regime was brutal and I was on a high dosage.
    Sadly my only deviation from the norm was drinking red wine during chemo - because everything else tasted like petrol.
    Post chemo, I’ve just eaten a fairly normal diet with moderate exercise (dog walking and dinghy sailing). 

  • Hello lovely 

    I had BC in 2022 

    can I ask how you found out you had a reoccurrence? 

    wishing you well xxx 

  • Hi Michelle

    I have been diagnosed with breast cancer in may 2021 at the age of 33 also having 3 young children. My diagnosis was stage4 from the start with spread to liver and lungs. I have finished chemo in september 2021 and been on maintenance treatment since. So far  I have had clear scans and I hope it carries on like this also no side effects from my treatment and I carry on as normal as possible. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so sorry about dad but every person and every cancer is different. I wish you all the best and I hope soon you have your treatment plan in place. If you have any questions just give me a shout I'll be more than happy to answer. 

    Sending lots of hugs 


  • Thanks Dave for all your advice and support 

  • Hi Lara 

    Back in June I went to the doctor with chest pain and they suspected that I had a chest infection the antibiotics didn’t shift it so I went back in July and I was told that I had anxiety then I went back in August and they suspected that the pain could be gall stones my symptoms were chest pain , back pain , breathlessness, heartburn and abdominal pain it was relentless. I was constantly in pain and actually feel really let down with my doctors surgery as bloods and chest examinations were coming back all clear even thought I could hear wheezing and crackling in my Lungs and my right lung was filled with fluid over a litre on fluid was drained out today (15/10/24) so srart of October I took myself to A&E and that’s when I got a chest xray and found out my cancer had returned. If there’s any advice I can give you is to listen to your body you know when there’s something wrong I wish I just went to A&E back in June this was valuable time for me I just didn’t think it would be cancer but I can’t change it now so need to push forward and fight the battle that I have in the here and now. Hope this helps Lara take care of yourself.


  • Wow Kaz how brave are you isn’t it just so scary to get told this especially with a young family and you just think the worse and you automatically think it’s a death sentence but it’s not. I'm really glad you are doing so well and it’s so nice to hear people’s positive stories. Can I ask what chemo you received if you can remember and what is your maintenance treatment is? I’ve got triple negative cancer and have been told that it doesn’t respond the best to chemo so I’m just praying that my body responds well to the chemo I get my first on on the 1st of Nov. I get so nervous about the results from scans but I know I need to be strong and face what I’m having to deal with. 

    take care K

    love Michelle 

  • Hi.

    Thankyou. I have triple positive er/pr+, her2+ and I have had 18 weeks of docetaxel and also herceptin along it but that changed to phesgo which is my maintenance treatement every 3 weeks I also take letrozole every day and I'm on zoladex every 4weeks. When I have found out this is exactly what I thought that I will be dead in the next couple of months. I couldn't think of anything else but my dignosis. It took over my life for sometime until i learned that i have to face it head on.I takes time to get used to the new normal. I know exactly how you feel about scan results it's nerve-wracking until you know the results. I'm glad you have your treatement plan in place. Here if you need to chat. 
