Ct scan results

Hi I’m a young cancer patient. I’ve finished my planned treatment of 4xep chemo. I’ve had my first ct scan post chemo. And had a letter today for an outpatient appointment with consultant to discuss my results. Should I be worried? Or is this normal procedure rather than over the phone? Tia

  • Hello TomR1, 

    Well done for finishing your chemotherapy treatment, TomR1! I can imagine you have been a little bit nervous about this first CT scan post chemo and I am keeping everything tightly crossed for you for good results. I hope that you won't have to wait too long for your appointment with the consultant so that you get a clear idea soon as to whether the treatment has been effective. 

    I don't think you need to worry about the fact that you have been contacted via a letter rather than over the phone and you can't really read anything into it being done one way or another. I hope that you will hear from other members of our forum who've been in a similar situation before and that they will pop by shortly to share their story with you. 

    Keep us updated if you don't mind on what the results show - we'll be thinking of you in the coming days and hope that it's all good news for you! 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator