New baby on the way and potential recurrence of lymphoma


I just wanted to share my thoughts on here as I don’t really know anyone who understands the fear.

About 5 years ago, my husband had stage 4 lymphoma and had RCHOP to treat. He went into remission.

We are about to have our second baby and move house in a few days. He had some nodes checked in his neck (they have been raised for a while) at first all seemed ok on the scan, but now a more recent scan is showing change and characteristics of the wrong shape-  he’s needed a biopsy and now we are waiting. 

I am heavily pregnant and terrified plus we have just taken on a bigger mortgage. I feel so scared and just hoped someone would be able to identify with the feelings of the unknown.

  • Hello MBA, 

    First of all congratulations on this imminent new arrival and a house move as well - how exciting, so many changes - I hope the new house will be perfect with two little ones. But how stressful it must be for you to be waiting for your husband's results at a time when you are going through the stress of a house move whilst being heavily pregnant. It's good that they are being thorough in investigating these nodes in his neck especially given his medical history and that he is in remission from lymphoma. Waiting for biopsy results is so stressful and you should hopefully hear back within a couple of weeks what these results are - these feelings of the unknown while waiting for results are something many of our community members will be able to identify with - the SAGA website has helpful tips on how to cope with waiting for news which I hope will help you get through these long waiting days. 

    We're thinking of you during this time of change and turmoil and I hope that everything turns out to be ok for your husband. I can imagine it is such a frightening time for you but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much. I have followed the link and read the advice- really helpful and I appreciate it.