No sure what to do. Girlfriend diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma has 2 treatment options

Hi, my girlfriend at 30 got diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma yesterday on her neck below the ear. She had it a year ago on the tounge and had an operation and treatment for it. Unfortunately it has come back and we've been given two options. First one is to have the operation and remove as much as possible and blast it with chemo. This will involve taking muscles from other body parts and makes the operation more complicated. Or, secondly, blast with chemo first in hope to reduce the tumor then operate on it and finishing the course of treatment. I really don't know how to decide the best course of action. Or do we get a second opinion? Anyone who's been through this or has any idea would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Hello Jenksy

    I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend's diagnosis and the dilemma she finds herself in regarding which decision to make about treatment. We do occasionally have members who find themselves with these kinds of choices to make and it's often difficult for them to know what to do for the best. 

    Has your girlfriend been given details of a specialist nurse she can contact for support? Do encourage her to talk with her nurse if she has one. Make a list of the questions that you both have and ask the team responsible for her care as they will be best placed to discuss the pros and cons of each choice and talk through the specifics of your girlfriend's diagnosis. 

    If you both feel that having a second opinion from another Consultant is something you want to explore then you can read more information about how you can request that on our website here

    If either of you would like to chat things through with one of our team of nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I'm sure they will be happy to offer any information, advice, and support they can. 

    Whatever decision is made, I send my best wishes for successful treatment and a smooth recovery. 

    Cancer Chat moderator