My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 bile duct cancer 8 months ago and has been mostly active up until the beginning of December. He's only 28 and by nature very active, not in a sporty way but in a never really sat still kind of way. Always doing something or sorting something out. This last month has been really difficult as we have been waiting for him to get onto a clinical trial which he is finally due to start in three days. I'm scared that he won't be fit enough to start. He sleeps most of the day now and was put on a syringe driver last week to manage his pain, with a plan to put him back on a patch once it is under control. No one from the community palliative care team have said he is receiving end of life care but he's sleeping more every day and barely eating or drinking. I'm so worried about him and scared of what's happening.
It's so hard to watch as physically, he still looks relatively well and when he does wake up he's able to walk around the house with no support. It feels almost impossible for him to leave us, it sounds silly but he's not the type of person that just dies. He's so young, I'm 24, this isn't what we're supposed to be doing.