I was recently diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. I have had a hospital appt every week since my diagnosis and I will be starting chemo on Friday 30th for 6 cycles then I will need a mastectomy and chemo again. Before my diagnosis I was in a crazy place in my marriage, my husband was going through depression and tired to commit suicide. I tired everything I could to get him to seek help but he just carried on. Agreeing with me but never followed through. It got to the point if I didn't speak to him he would t speak to me in the house. Our home became cold and lonely and loveless. I began sleeping on the sofa as he made me feel so inadequate and always walking on egg shells when he was around. We had a few terrible scenarios that made me feel a bit scared of what he was capable of and that maybe he would hurt me but he never did. I gave him and untimatum to get help or I would leave the home and I ended up leaving when I returned to get my things things escalated and went from bad to worst we got into a physical altercation and he tried to stab me with a knife and I had to call the police. A month later my diagnosis came. I am currently living in shared accommodation as that's all I can afford on my own and it's been a nightmare my house mates are untidy which I find disrespectful and landlord is a complete waste of time. I have my first chemo session this Friday and I am so anxious to the point and extreme sadness. I have been ok so far dealing with the diagnosis I have been tearful a few times but I've been ok. As I have been on my own this Xmas no family or friends because I wanted some peace the thoughts of the side effects of chemo is over whelming. I really wanted to know from someone who has been through chemo if I will be ok on my own in this shared house or do I need to go and stay with someone all of my family lives in another town and I am scared I won't be able to look after myself.