Hi All,
I am a 25 year old female who was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma when I was 22. Luckily I caught it early and after having an excision, I was given the all clear. However, around every 6 months I have a scare with new moles. I had 1 removed from my neck and 2 from my back around every six months.
I have a very small mole on my nipple on my left breast. I didn't want to go at first due to it's intimate placement, but I went to my GP and they referred me on to get it photographed. I have now recieved a letter which states that "I have now had the opportunity to review all of this information and would advise that we see them as an outpatient so we can review this area and consider whether further investigations or treatment are required".
Obviously due to the sensitive area, I would rather not have this removed unless it is necessary. However, I now feel that my health anxiety is so bad that I'm going to have to have it removed for me not to be worried every single day. How can I discuss these feelings with the consultant dermatologist?
Sorry if this is rambly and feels like there is no point to the post...I just feel so anxious and have never been offered any therapy/help - I understand that I am incredibly lucky with my experience of cancer thus far, but I feel really messed up, always anxious about my health and it is constantly hanging over me...I guess I'm just hoping someone may feel the say way and have had a similar experience with skin cancer?