Celebrating All Our Dads By Sharing One Thing

Today is Father's Day and it will be a day of joy and celebration for some but also of sadness and remembrance for those of you who lost their dad, perhaps only recently. For some of you, it may be the first year you cannot be with your dad and I wanted you to know we are thinking of you today. This thread will be a space to remember and celebrate all our dads who have touched our hearts, those who are still with us today and those who are sadly gone too soon. 

And to make it a little bit different, I would like you to tell us more about ONE thing you associate with your dad and by one thing I mean one object, something tangible that will forever be linked to your dad in your mind and in your heart. It could be a cap he wears or used to wear, a particular photo you like to look at, a shell you found on a beach with him, anything really that has deep symbolical value and meaning for you. 


  • His little brown prayer book. He had it as long as I can remember and I think there was sellotape along the side. He took it to Mass, which he went to almost daily, though the prayers in it weren't the ones usually said at Mass.

  • Oh you described that little brown prayer book so well that I can really visualise it and it's funny how little details like the sellotape along the side can stick to your mind forever. I find it fascinating too that the prayers in the book were not the ones usually said at Mass. Have you managed to keep the book I wonder? Thank you so much for sharing this object MargaretMary which seems to have been really important to your dad and emblematic of his faith and spiritual side.