I've just lost my Dad very suddenly, he was caring for his wife who has small cell lung cancer and pleural effusion. She was diagnosed in May this year and is having chemotherapy treatment in the form of tablets.
My dad had copd and atrial fibrillation. He was admitted to hospital with a suspected chest infection put on steroids and antibiotics. They found a blood clot on his lung they did a ct scan and told him he had lung cancer and needed further scans to determine the type of cancer and treatment. But after he saw the consultant he developed severe pain in his kidneys and was admitted back in to hospital they told us he had a kidney aneurysm and needed an operation, which they did. He was then placed in Intensive care and they tried to start kidney dialysis. Within a few hours of the operation that evening his blood pressure was dropping which they couldn't stop even with medication. So they removed the dialysis machines and gave him morphine. By the time I reached the hospital two hours away from my home he was heavily sedated and they said they couldn't do anything for him he died right there in front of me an hour and a half after I arrived and just stopped breathing. I was left in the room with him alongside his ill cancer stricken wife and we still have no explanation for his death. His funeral was yesterday. I am now facing another loss, his wife. They were married 36 years.
My Dad was not expected to die I was thinking about all the ways I could help him for after his wife dies and offering him reassurance. Its been such a huge shock to lose him first and not knowing he was so unwell himself.
He never got to have the further scans as he was only diagnosed with lung cancer a week before he died. So so many unanswered questions
On top of this I lost my boyfriend who was also my best friend to lung cancer suddenly within a couple of months two and I half years ago he was abroad at the time and I never got to see him or say goodbye he was in Australia I'd only just started to accept his death just a few months before my Dad died. It's brought back so much pain and sadness
Honestly don't know how to carry on