How can i help my mum with her last memories of partner?

My mums partner of 33 years passed away last month, he was a wonderful man and i looked on him as my dad,after his diagnosis and the realisation he wasnt going to get better he turned into a nasty horrible person belittling and putting my mum down at every opportunity,she is not in the best of health herself after suffering a stroke last year and is finding it hard to comprehend how in the last weeks of his illness he would not even look at her or talk to her and would pretend to be asleep or turn his back on her ( he was in a hospital bed at home). I tried to explain to her its the illness but he was his own joyful lovely self with anyone who visited and this is what she is struggling with ...she has coped with his passing but is struggling with her last memories of him ..Should i suggest she seeks councilling ..

  • Hi illness can bring out hidden worries to the patient, they react by being out of character so hard for those around them to deal with.

    So sorry for your mum,  counselling would probably help her to cope with her loss. It helped me when I lost a baby, even though it was years later during a nursing course. 
