Trying to please dad after death

I lost my dad to cancer nearly two years ago and was a shock to the whole family. I don't think I really grieved and just got on with it and felt I had to be strong for my mother and sister etc. I distracted myself by being the one to organise all the practical things that need doing once someone dies. 

I was close to my dad growing up and he was my best friend. My dad was a big influence and support in my life and he was the reasonable one when I needed advice and was anxious etc. I am a father to two wonderful boys 7 and 4 years. What is concerning me is that I am being very hard on my boys to be successful in school and their extra curricular activities and I know I'm doing it but can't seem to stop. It almost feels that I have to prove something to him and by my own children being successful it will make him proud. I know this may sound silly but it is really having a very negative effect and any advice or guidance would be appreciated? 


                                   give yourself a moment to think how your father would have dealt with the situation and check with yourself before acting.This way you are working with your father and not for him,it might just change things for the better for you,


  • Hi there ...

    I know loosing a parent can bring out many things in us ... but at the end of the day , now your dad and you have the amazing job of holding your kids hands and helping them grow into loving adults that not only respect you but adore the great dad you were ...

    One day they will be in your possisition.... how do you want them to remember you ... you have a choice .. don't copy any one ... follow your heart or you wouldn't have come here and opened up ... they are still babies ... you have the chance to change things ... 

    When we go up there and someone asks what is your greatest memory ... it won't be what grade they got ... it will just be them ... my son came out of school with no qualifications... he's now a big manager of a nationwide company.... because of the support he got at a time when life was difficult... and loosing his amazing nan when he was just 7 .., so come on ... you know what to do now ... make a difference... Chrissie x