Grief of my husband

My husband died 9 week ago 

Just when you think you’ve got a handle on grief, along comes something else to knock you off your feet again. It doesn’t have to be anything major, the tiniest little thing can trigger so many emotions and memories that threaten to overwhelm you at any given time. 

Since My hubby  died I realise that the most important things in life aren’t money or possessions, it’s family and friends. 

Knowing that you can ring and somebody will listen to you pour out your heart is invaluable. You’re not asking for wise words or a magical way to solve all your problems. You are simply asking for someone to care enough to listen

Life is so unfair

  • Hi Willert,

    I just wanted to reply to send condolences for your loss. It sounds like hopefully you have others around you to speak to, which is good.

    We are always here for support on the forum too if ever you need it, and I'm sure there will be others here who are going through or have been through something similar.

    If ever you feel you'd like to explore additional resources or support, take a look at Cruse, who provide lots of information, resources and a helpline to talk things through.

    Take care and best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Willert

    I just wanted to say that I lost my husband 4 weeks ago & know exactly how you feel. The pain is unbearable but someone gave me a book to read at first I felt it was written for me & how I am feeling. It's called....

    Its Ok that you're Not Ok - if you get it it's well worth it. 
    Always message, someone will always answer. 
    Remember to be kind to yourself - I think grief is as deep as how much you love them. I loved my Kev so deeply & can understand why I'm struggling

    Hug to you x