The Day After Mum’s Funeral - Advice to help cope?

It's the morning after my Mum's funeral, and I have this overwhelming feeling of sadness, thinking everything over and over. 

I posted about my Mums battle with secondary breast cancer, 18 years since her very first diagnosis -

Sadly she deteriorated at the beginning of October, and we held a lovely service for her yesterday with her closest friends and family members. 

I'm feeling so lost and hurt, I know that it's the most painful thing for anyone at any age, but I can't help going over the feeling in my head that I'm far too young to lose my mum in my early 30s. I have comfort knowing my Mum achieved everything she ever wanted and being a grandmother to my older siblings children, though I struggling to come to terms with the milestone to come that I experience without her with me, and the overwhelming feeling of missing her daily. 

Any advice, or similar stories to share would be a major help for me to cope. 

  • Hello Bemore1, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum and today will be the worst as up until now you will have coped due to all the things you will have had to do, then nothing.  My Mum died after a long struggle with dementia and I lost her two years earlier as she had no idea who I was, it gave me time to prepare but for you it's all so raw.  This is what I did, I found a photo of her smiling and happy, framed it and placed it a prominent position, then each day I spoke to her saying how I missed her, what fabulous times we had had and told her how sad I was but her photo smiled back at me and made me feel less sad.  Talk about her, look through albums and remember happy times.  It's early days but you will have better days, today is too early to feel anything but raw grief.  Thinking if you, Carol 

  • Hi Ben I am so sorry for the loss of your mum. my mum sadly passed on the 17th of this month and her funeral was on Wednesday the 28th two of the hardest days of my life and I've never felt pain like this but I know my mum is in a much better place and is watching over me and my family which gives me the greatest comfort. I do believe time is a healer and I know we all find the strength to stay strong, you're mum will always be with you hold onto the memories and the good times you had with her and please remember your not alone. Laura

  • Here I am in exactly this position this morning. Thank you for keeping this post up as it helps to hear other people’s stories and know the emotions I experience are normal. 

  • I can relate to this post funeral. Feel a bit deflated, lost and just a bit down as things return to the ‘new’ normal.