Terminal agitation

My daughter died in June she was 25 with cervical cancer she had terminal agitation was wondering are they aware of it ? X

  • Hello Victoriaann. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you lost your daughter earlier this year. I'm sure that it will have been a difficult time for you. 

    I've done some reading around on the subject of terminal agitation/restlessness this afternoon. I think that all the documents I've read mention how hard if can be to see a loved one going through this. The Macmillan website acknowledges that there are a number of reasons that can cause the restlessness and that the patient can be unaware of what is happening to them. I'm sure that the team caring for your daughter at that time would have made her as comfortable as possible. 

    I hope that this helps but if you'd like to speak to one of our nurses for more support then please do give them a call. They're closed on New Years Day but otherwise are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thankyou Jenn 

    for researching this for me it's makes me feel better that she was probably unaware of this I would hate to think she was struggling she did die peacefully in the end 

    Thankyou Vicki xxx