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Seeing signs from deceased loved ones

Hi everyone. I'm sure that there have already been many forum threads on this topic, but I'm really curious to hear about your experiences.

When you lost someone close to you, did you see signs? I've heard of feathers, electronic disturbances etc. but I've never had a conversation in the real world with anyone about it.

I'm not exactly an atheist - my boyfriend says I'm an agnostic atheist or other words, I don't subscribe to any organized religion, but can accept that we just don't have very many answers to a lot of things, so I'm open.

I just find this all very interesting! I'm really not the kind of person to believe in any of this kind of stuff, but I will share the things that I have experienced (and a few things my sister has mentioned)

The last day my mother was alive, my sister went to say good bye with her children. She said that when she left the hospital, across the street there was loud jazz music playing from someones house. It startled her, because jazz was my mothers favourite. Throughout her illness I would play her jazz music on my phone. In her last couple of days I asked her for special requests and she said "Charlie Bird" (a jazz musician).

The day after she passed my sister noticed a white feather in her jacket. I had heard about the feather phenomenon, but didn't say anything to her. She wasn't aware of any kind of meaning. It was just funny to me, she offhandedly said "where did this feather come from?" or something like that...I just shrugged. But I never forgot it.

At my mothers funeral and visitation, I played music by Charlie Bird on my bluetooth speaker. A week later I popped into a second hand store, and right above the cash was a Charlie Bird record. 

I have witnessed some weird bird activity outside my condo townhouse. There aren't many birds in the area, a few crows, robins and various small birds here and there. But mostly squirrels. A few times since she has passed I have heard a loud gathering of birds right by my house. Hundreds of them in a tree, or on the ground right by my deck, making quite the racket. One time my boyfriend noticed and he said "wow, that's weird...we don't normally see birds here". I teared up and said "it's my mother". 

I've had weird experiences suddenly smelling things that aren't there, one time it was peaches and another time strawberries. The best way I can describe it is like a halucination only with smelling not visual. I've never had that before she passed. She used to make peach pies when they were in season, and she was obsessed with buying strawberries every week.

Sorry if this is a bit long. I hope some of you will share some of your experiences.


  • Jade, so sorry to hear you have lost your Mum amd only just very recently, I can feel your pain as I am also going through death of my precious Mum. Reading your post gave me goose bumps! I think with no doubt it is your Mum giving you signs. Believe it. Some things simply have no explanation and why shouldn't they be signs from our loved ones? You know in your heart you Mum is with you and she is showing you and your family. The bond between us and our loved ones is too strong for death to break. I know for a fact death would have not separated Mum and I. I still love her and will always love her, I tell her out loud every day, many times a day exactly like I did when she were alive and here with me. 

    I was talking out loud to Mum in the kitchen the other day, I was upset over such a simple thing but its often the simple things that spark that emotion. I found a pot of Bovril in the cupboard that I had bought for Mum before she died, she wasn't eating much so she fancied a drink of this. I was going to add a spoonful to my cooking and I couldn't get the lid off, I threw it in the bin whilst crying because in a way it brought back bad memories of her losing weight and not eating. As I was crying something caught my eye, a beautiful butterfly (since looking online it's markings were a Red Admiral) was flying inside our lean-to, I could see through the kitchen window. I followed it into the garden and it stayed with me. I felt Mum was saying to me "its ok." I also had a really bad day a few weeks ago after going into a shop that Mum and I always visited together for a browse and coffee, when I got home I went pass our grandmother clock and noticed the pendulum was still ticking but the clock hands hand stopped - the time was 12.20pm, it was not nearly 5pm in real time. 12.20 was when my Mum passed away.

    Keep accepting the signs and feel her love for you all. I know you will be going through immense pain right now and for a very long time. I just listened to David Kessler's podcast yesterday on grief (the one with Tyler Henry) and it really made sense what he said about it all. Take very good care of yourself. I am here if you need to talk, rant, anything.


  • Thankyou so much x 

    mum struggling with my mental and physical symptoms and my anxiety and panic attacks - I feel so lost and so broken. 
    feel so alone and miss her so very much x 

    my mum used to love 2 oxo cubes and 2slices of bread lol and when my partner cleared the freezer out the other day I had a break down that he wanted to throw my mums prawns I brought her because they were her favourite but she didn't eat them because she lost her appetite. 

    it really is the little things 

  • Hi ve just come across your story my partner says assed away 8 weeks ago from stage 4 colon cancer he had it just 9 months before passing I had a dream a few days after about him he was stood at the side of a hospital bed he looked well back to himself (before illness) as he lost a lot of weight he was packing his bag as though getting ready to leave for somewhere I take comfort in this as too me it was a visitation dream to tell me he's okay now also I am obsessed with magpies & a few weeks after his passing a magpie flew past my window & dropped a feather I went out & picked it up & kept it in his memory box I've had a magpie sit on my window sill looking into the house then at me before flying away also a song he used to love just randomly popped in my head out of the blue not one I would normally here as not my type of music but his I believe all of them are signs he's still around me.

  • Hi

    I have only come across your post. My grandad passed away on the 18th of February. We were so close, he was always so proud of me, he always saw my potential, when I was at my lowest, he was by my side..he came to my wedding when my own dad didn't. 

    He was a dad to me. Myself and my husband went to my grandads flat with his partner, 'K' as well as her 2 daughters, H and A. (Names shortened for privacy). We were the only ones, other than his 3 sisters, who made a genuine effort with him. 

    K and A were in the other room, and myself, my husband, and H were in the living room talking, and all of a sudden , one of my grandads radios turned on, no one was near it, it was in the bag packed away for 5 days, and we had been there for at least 2 hours. K, A and H left me and my husband to lock up, so we could have our time to say goodbye.

    Myself and my husband were crying and talking to him, and asking for a sign that he's ok. I looked out the window and there was a magpie sat right outside his window for a good 10 minutes. 

    When we booked the Uber home, it wasn't connecting to a driver, when usually it would connect to someone instantly. Another "sign(?)" was the Uber connected to a driver at 6pm. Me and my husband would go out for food with him/go out with him, and we would then go back to his. He would always fall asleep at 6pm.


    On the way to the flat, there was an accident on the motorway, and it took about 25 minutes to start moving. My grandad, hated the thought of us spending money on a taxi to see him. 

    Sorry for the rambling and late post. I just wanted to share my experience.

  • Hi Sarah 

    Firstly I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your mum but what a lovely story. I am spiritual and this just made my heart melt reading it. Because of my spirituality it has given me great comfort throughout the years when I have lost someone close to me because of the signs I have recieved. 

    I do believe this is your mum giving you comfort where its needed and it's up to you how you interpret these things. See we are all energy and our energy never dies so when we part our energy lives on. Though I know not everyone would agree and that's ok for everyone to have there opinions. 

    But I truly believe this was your mum and when someone passes over there energy is pretty strong for the first 12 months so anything is possible hearing that person's fav song, seeing an animal, finding feathers or pennies, smelling fragrances that they once wore. The list goes on. 

    So take comfort that your mum is just fine and enjoy the signs you recieve yes it can be a little scary but just know she will always be around you and guiding you.

    Kind regards 


  • Hi Serapine,

    I don't know if you'll ever read this considering how long ago you wrote the original post, but I feel like I really just need to write this down somewhere. It's not something I feel like I can share with my nearest and dearest. 
    My gran passed a few months ago. A few nights ago, I was at the cinema with my family watching the Super Mario Movie. From nowhere I started thinking of my gran and wishing I could have a sign she was still with us, or that she was still around in some capacity. I read somewhere years ago that you should request a specific sign - something unique. Whilst in the cinema, I silently requested a green star. No particular significance but it was the first thing that came to mind. 
    That movie is a riot of colours and shapes, as I'm sure you can imagine. But no green stars! Plenty green sparks and similar shapes but I was clear in my mind I needed to see a very clearly defined green star. I was firm in my mind it needed to be a green star and I must see it that evening for it to be meaningful. 
    As we left the cinema, I'd started to resign myself to the fact that this wouldn't happen and to forget it. However, in the carpark on the way back to the car, on the ground I saw a green plastic star, right in our path. It stopped me in my tracks for a second but I had to pull myself together as I didn't want to share with my family what had just happened. It gave me an enormous sense of contentment afterwards though. 

  • Wow that's amazing! I posted on this thread back in 2019 when I lost my Gran and still receive updates on the post. I hope you've taken some comfort from it. I've never had a sign as significant as when my Gran first passed but it still gives me comfort now. These thing just can't be explained! 

    Jenna x

  • Yes, I have had many signs from my mum since her passing. I wrote about some of them in my posts but the big one was when I returned to England and was back at home where she passed away in the living room and I was sat in the space where she spent her last days as she died at home - my mobile phone which was on the table on top on my dad's mobile phone flew up in the air and landed three feet in the front of my feet - I have never seen anything like it in my life and I said 'Hi Mum.' My dad wasn't having it though and was going 'it must have slipped' how? Can a phone just fly up in the air like that and land at my feet so we both tried shoving it off with a flick of the hand, couldn't even move it, you would have had to physically chucked it for it fly and land like that and that is as true as I am writing this.

    I had one visitation dream - a month after she passed - I was living in China and she came to me as clear as you like - she was stood by the cooker in the kitchen at home which is where she breathed her last but she looked younger - not so young as I wouldn't recognise her as 'mum' she was in her 40's and dressed in a pink denim jacket, jeans and a green top and I went to her and she smiled and said 'hiii' in the way she did and I came out of the dream - that was it but unlike any dream I have ever had, I clearly remember this one. I wouldn't have associated her with those clothes she wore but that was what was in the dream but when I came back to the UK, the photo on the mantlepiece at home was of her dressed exactly as she was in the dream - which now sits here with me on my mantlepiece here in China.

    Later that morning, I was on my rowing machine doing some hard yards and a feeling came to me - it wasn't a voice - but it was something telling me the next song on the radio was going to be 'I'm Free' by the Soup Dragons and the next song on the radio was 'I'm Free' by the Soup Dragons and it was then I knew she was fine and happy and was now in contact, which she has been ever since. 

    Many things have happened since then that have convinced me she is around and she is helping me out in so many ways and that one day I will see her again.

  • Another thing as well, before she passed away, her dad came to take her away - so, on the last night she was with my dad in their living room at home and my mum was in her last days but she had clarity and she wasn't on any medication as such - she could communicate but didn't have any energy to keep up a conversation for more than a minute or so before drifting off but hours before she passed away, she got energy and clarity and went to sit beside him as he was downstairs looking after her as she was in the bed put in by the hospital in the living room, in the corner of the living room was granddad and she pointed to him and she said 'he has come to take me' and he did, granddad passed away in 1992 in Peru and mum was in England when that happened but she saw him again before she left.

    A few weeks before, someone else came who she didn't recognise and she got a bit scared about it and asked dad to stay up with her that following night which she did but she was fine after that - my dad and I talked about this and we think it was a distant ancestor who came down to look after her who she didn't know or recognise and with these kind of things - many people who make up us love us and want to protect us and give us advice but we don't know them because it is so far back - the Chinese here revere ancestors - they make us what we are today - people who lived in the 1700's and beyond - we still carry their DNA within us today, I am sure they are all up there wanting what is best for us, just my opinion on this of course but I have no doubt at all mum is here and with me and all your loved ones are with you wherever you are now - to any doubters, I would just say, open your mind to it - there is so much we know nothing about.