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Seeing signs from deceased loved ones

Hi everyone. I'm sure that there have already been many forum threads on this topic, but I'm really curious to hear about your experiences.

When you lost someone close to you, did you see signs? I've heard of feathers, electronic disturbances etc. but I've never had a conversation in the real world with anyone about it.

I'm not exactly an atheist - my boyfriend says I'm an agnostic atheist or other words, I don't subscribe to any organized religion, but can accept that we just don't have very many answers to a lot of things, so I'm open.

I just find this all very interesting! I'm really not the kind of person to believe in any of this kind of stuff, but I will share the things that I have experienced (and a few things my sister has mentioned)

The last day my mother was alive, my sister went to say good bye with her children. She said that when she left the hospital, across the street there was loud jazz music playing from someones house. It startled her, because jazz was my mothers favourite. Throughout her illness I would play her jazz music on my phone. In her last couple of days I asked her for special requests and she said "Charlie Bird" (a jazz musician).

The day after she passed my sister noticed a white feather in her jacket. I had heard about the feather phenomenon, but didn't say anything to her. She wasn't aware of any kind of meaning. It was just funny to me, she offhandedly said "where did this feather come from?" or something like that...I just shrugged. But I never forgot it.

At my mothers funeral and visitation, I played music by Charlie Bird on my bluetooth speaker. A week later I popped into a second hand store, and right above the cash was a Charlie Bird record. 

I have witnessed some weird bird activity outside my condo townhouse. There aren't many birds in the area, a few crows, robins and various small birds here and there. But mostly squirrels. A few times since she has passed I have heard a loud gathering of birds right by my house. Hundreds of them in a tree, or on the ground right by my deck, making quite the racket. One time my boyfriend noticed and he said "wow, that's weird...we don't normally see birds here". I teared up and said "it's my mother". 

I've had weird experiences suddenly smelling things that aren't there, one time it was peaches and another time strawberries. The best way I can describe it is like a halucination only with smelling not visual. I've never had that before she passed. She used to make peach pies when they were in season, and she was obsessed with buying strawberries every week.

Sorry if this is a bit long. I hope some of you will share some of your experiences.


  • I do like to think so but have not spent the last few months discussing them out of my family as I realise it may be upsetting for those who have lost loved ones who maybe have not enjoyed such 'happenings'

  • My mum died last night and dad died last year and now can't stop googling what happened, my mum has been laying there with brain cancer but last 7 days just breathing nothing else so I thought we was in for another night waiting to see if this was the night she would pass , I was just lying on bed when my light in bedroom went out . This is a dimmer switch I had to turn it off to turn it back on I shouted down stairs to brother and sister and they joked it was dad - my mum kept his ashes in small bedroom still ,soon as I layed down my brother shouted up John come down and she died , I have got so much comfort knowing my dad done this I have weird connection with my mum I'd randomly get things she needed from shop she always said your  so weird how did you know that . Also we have a clock in living room the ticker has not worked for as long as I can remember, my brother just looked up it s only started working ,

    my mum died at 10-26 pm in my house my daughter woke my wife up said mummy can't sleep having bad thoughts my wife shouted at her Isla it's half ten go to sleep

    this can't all be coincidence????

  • I've recently lost my wife to cancer and contacted a medium on line and  to be honest I was quite disappointed at the time as she told me very little, she told me that she could see my wife Helen and she missed me but she was fine, she also said she was with a dog which sounded about right as my pet had already passed, that was about all she said really.

    I asked her to contact Helen and tell her to send me some sort of sign.

    Later on in the morning at 4:06 am the television came on its own and woke me up and repeated a message several times, the message was spoken in a robotic like voice and it said "im in a state of higher intelligence and I am ok"

    maybe the medium wasn't that bad after all!

    The last thing Helen had to eat was ice cream and whilst I was sorting her arrangements out on my phone in the living room with my daughter  and we heard my google device say "hears the recipe for pistachio ice cream without any prompting from us.

    we have also found several white feathers around our house and find all these strange happenings rather comforting

    think she is still around us bless her

    Helen is to be cremated next Thursday which I am dreading but I hope she will still send many more messages

  • I've recently lost my wife to cancer and contacted a medium on line and  to be honest I was quite disappointed at the time as she told me very little, she told me that she could see my wife Helen and she missed me but she was fine, she also said she was with a dog which sounded about right as my pet had already passed, that was about all she said really.

    I asked her to contact Helen and tell her to send me some sort of sign.

    Later on in the morning at 4:06 am the television came on its own and woke me up and repeated a message several times, the message was spoken in a robotic like voice and it said "im in a state of higher intelligence and I am ok"

    maybe the medium wasn't that bad after all!

    The last thing Helen had to eat was ice cream and whilst I was sorting her arrangements out on my phone in the living room with my daughter  and we heard my google device say "hears the recipe for pistachio ice cream without any prompting from us.

    we have also found several white feathers around our house and find all these strange happenings rather comforting

    think she is still around us bless her

    Helen is to be cremated next Thursday which I am dreading but I hope she will still send many more messages

  • My dad passed away just under three weeks ago. When I was little we had a jay brid that would feed from his hand. He even named me Jaye. I asked for a sign, to see a jay bird. I've heard of people seeing robins when their loved ones pass away, so I thought this would be a more unique sign. I hadn't seen one in ages. I was walking through Greenwich park today and there was a baby jay bird walking in front of me. It stayed for ages and it was there on my way home too. Is this a sign or maybe just a coincidence?

  • Hello jaye10x,

    I wanted to pass on my condolences on behalf of the everyone on Cancer Chat. If you need any advice you can find some here and with Cruse bereavement support. I hope the forum will be helpful  and we're thinking of you.

    All the best to you,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • This is interesting.  I don't know whether things happen as coincidence or a message, we can interpret them as we wish, and if it gives us comfort then that's a wonderful thing.  

    I had a moment when my husband picked me up from the hospital after my mastectomy this year.   As we were getting in the car a flock of seagulls flew over the car park making a right noise.  As a child I used to stay with my grandparents a lot on the coast in Wales and the sound of seagulls was ever present.  It always reminds me of them.  The point is that we were in a North West city and 100 miles from the coast at the time! 

    I took it as a sign that they were with me, and that felt good. 

    M x

  • I know this is an old post, but I'd like to add my experiences. 
    My dad passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, he suffered a cardiac arrest he was with my sister and myself. We had 2 lots of paramedics, a rapid response team and the critical care doctors all in our home trying to resuscitate my dad. While my dad was being resuscitated, they explained how he was not breathing on his own, during that time the wind outside was going crazy. As you know the weather in the UK has been great, hardly any wind or even a breeze. They pumped adrenaline and managed to get his heart beating on its own for about 2 minutes, during this time the wind stopped completely before it started up again when once again he was dying. I 100% believe this was my dad being released, revived and once again released. Since Wednesday I have spoke to him outside, and in harmony I've heard his responses with the wind blowing ever so gently on my face as though he is cupping my face. The responses I hear from my dad are not emotional or stereotypical "I miss you too" "I love you so much" it's things like "pack it in now you know I'm here" "stop that crying I know you miss me but I'm ok my darling". 
    My father passed away on the kitchen floor, and yesterday while we were sitting in there talking about my dad I suddenly felt his energy return, my dog came into the room and looked alarmed and confused and was staring at the floor where my dad passed. 
    All of this may be a coincidence and sheer imagination, however it's something which is giving me great strength to carry on living knowing my dad is around me. Or at least it feels and seems like he is. Prior to my dads death, I always experienced paranormal and spiritual beings/experiences so it's something I've always believed in. 
    I think it's easy to dismiss the idea of an afterlife with science, but in recent years more and more scientists are open and exploring the ideas of energy never actually disappearing and souls being around us. 
    People seek comfort in different ways and it's definitely something no one can judge another for or try and dismiss. We are all just living each day with the hope to one day be reunited with our loved ones, or to at least move forward with knowing they are not suffering. 

  • My mum and I were so close and I looked after her since i was a teenager. When I had my son they became inseparable- and up untill the day she passed they were by eachothers side. 
    my mum passed 11th July 2022 and it's been a hard week- 

    I've been a mess and hoping for a sign to know she is somewhere- she arrived safely and she is still with us. 
    she passed on the same day as my dad but he passed 32 years ago in that day - 

    I believe he came to get her and they are together once more. 
    but even though that brings me comfort I still wanted a sign a call or something from her to tell me she arrived safely-(wherever that may be ) 

    Tonight I had the strangest most wonderful thing happen- 

    Mum was here midnight 20/7/22
    In saviours room- (my son)

    I turned off saviours S light and went downstairs 
    Then I came back up 5mins later and it was back on (my son was fast asleep) 
    As I stepped into the room to check on him in turned off 
    I called for dan cause it *** me up a little 
    I stood next to saviours bed 
    And I felt her 
    My body went goosey
    My hairs stood on end 
    My body felt like I had just walked into something cold but when I moved from that spot the feelings went.
    I told Dan (my partner- who doesn't believe in this stuff) to walk next to savour and he felt it but only on he’s back.
    I then walked beside saviour and it happened again - exact same spot- all hairs stood on end and I had goosebumps all over.

    Mum was here 100% standing next to saviour

    even dan said it was a sign - he felt it too only the once but he felt it and he walked back to the spot three times but only had the feeling the once on his back- 

    I made a list of her signs-



    Wednesday 13th July 

    White butterfly in garden around me and auntie Doreen 


    Sunday 17th July

    Mums perfume smell hit me on the face as i was leaving my bedroom 


    Wednesday 20th July

    Told Lynn about white butterfly and it appeared in the garden when priest came to do order of service 

    Solar Lights flickering when on phone to auntie Doreen then stopped when she said bye.

    and then the thing in my sons room tonight- 


    this must be my mum right? 

  • I can't relate to it all but sometimes I do feel my parents' presence like they are standing in the room with me. It's probably just my imagination but it is a soothing thought.