My darling Husband passed away on 28th of July, and I still can't bear the pain of this loss, I have cried each and every day at some point since he died, my heart is broken as Ian was my whole life. 

We knew one another for over 35 years and were married for 25 years, during which time we were never apart, barring his time in hospital and I was fortunate that I was able to bring him home for the last few days of his life as he wanted. 

He died whilst we sat together, holding hands, listening to his 60's music and the last thing he said to me was "I love you Ali", closed his eyes and he was gone.  Something so special yet brings me such heart ache when I relive this moment. I know things could have been so different, not such a 'nice' memory and people do say how lovely to go in such a way, but they don't seem to understand it was still the end of our time together and the way it happened does not make it any 'nicer'  or easier to cope with

As I have read on other posts, being told to keep yourself busy, doesn't really help

I am trying so hard to cope and have wonderful friends who try their best to help me. I feel I sometimes put on a brave face in front of them to put their minds at rest in the hope they feel that I am coping well.

It can be the simplest of things that can set me off, a song on the radio, going out for a walk and bumping into someone who asks where Ian is and how he's keeping, seeing a couple walking hand in hand like Ian and I always did, even an advert on the tv which he used to comment on.

There are so many firsts to come which I am dreading.  I have had my birthday without him and despite my friends making the most of it to try and make it a good day, I still came home, shut the door behind me and was alone.

Today I received several Christmas Cards sent to us both, which has really got to me and I am dreading the New Year and cannot bear the thought of this year ending and life moving on to a new year.

I know there will be people worse off than myself and I should be grateful for the wonderful memories I have, but I just don't seem to be getting out of the grief as I thought I would.

I am trying to express me feelings in words it for the first time, trying to speak and express how I feel to people who know what it is like as they are going through the same pain, basically it's like grasping at straws in the hope that it gives some comfort to the people I am talking to and in turn will give me some comfort too.


  • i miss my baby so much. He's bin gone 12 months but i cant bear not being with him just snuggling beside him in bed . We loved snuggling ....im at a total loss without my baby... it feels like yesterday he went.. it is killing me so much....i hav a son who is old enuf 22yrs old. I feel i hav to b strong for us both... but its starting to drain me.i just miss my sweetpea more than anythin..

  • Hello Bulldogz,


    I can completely agree with what you say. Sometimes you feel absolutely lost and you wonder if this is all the rest of your life is going to be like. My wife passed away 2 years ago and it is so heart breaking and you go through every emotion. It is difficult to see anything positive or things to look forward to. 

    Did you have any counselling? I did have some which was quite good but in the end you know you have to deal with it yourself.

    Good luck to you and best wishes for the future.



  • Hi friend. Thanx for replying. I did hav counsilling only for a bit but like you said you hav to just keep goin.no words or counsiling can bring them back .. its a strange and scary time. When you hav been a couple for so long i was 19 when i met my soulmate. He was. Is my best friend. I think about him evryday. But i have realised you cant live in the past even though i daydream of him and all the crazy things we did....its going to be a hard road ahead  learning to start again just me.. but we can only go forward  and try our best to go into the future..our  loved ones will b waiting for us looking out for us and hoping we will b happy again  that i do believe...god bless sweet.  Txt me anytime..even if you want to private message thats fine..its nice to talk with someone in same situation...xxxx

  • Dear friend i read other posts about the feeling they felt sometimes when they are either dreaming or awake. And the feeling you get when touched. I was laying one night just trying to go to sleep and felt my left hand side really cold even though i was coverd up. It was freezing. I believe in the afterlife i know there will be lots of you who have your own beliefs but i do personally think that they come to us in our dreams and in our darkest days to let us know they havnt really gone, their just in a better place and in no more pain and suffering. And to me even though the agony is heartbreaking it gives me some peace..i hope it gives you all some peace .xxx

  • Hi Bulldogz,


    Perhaps I should look forward and not back as hard as it is. I did pm you xx




  • I am so sorry for your loss and I am going through the same pain. My husband died on 29th May (my birthday) but I know he held on for that day thinking he could be with me. I have not had one moment of peace since he died andI know he would be upset knowing I am in such a state but I don't know how to move forward without him . I waited a long  time to meet somebody who was such a kind person and our time together was cut short. I try not to be bitter but it is so difficult when I listen to people moaning about their spouses. Stay strong and healthy. I wish I could help more x

  • My husband and I were together from 15 years old married at 19years at the age of 52 he was cruelty taken by a brain tumour the worst, blastoma, struck down cruelly it took 9 months of pain never a day of respite, a good looking amazing fit and proud man suffered every day until he died on the 10th July 2010 at home after being home for 5 haurndous weeks. I can't move on I relive those nine months every day especially nighttime it seams like yesterday 

  • My husband died on the 29th . We were together 33 years . He was my world and we never spent a day apart.

    i miss him desperately. The past 15 months from diagnosis to surgery , chemo and more chemo. 
    destroying the man I loved until he couldn't look at himself . The pain I feel is like no other , I just want him back x

  • Hi


    im so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband on 17th December 2018 and despite what people say it does

    not get any easier. I think about him every single day he never leaves my mind. I've lost my rock, my soulmate, my best friend and regardless of the fact that I have family lots of friends it makes no difference to how I feel. I just want him back, i miss him more than words can say.  Having said that my friends have been lifesavers at my worst times.So, from my experience all

    i can say is just go with how you feel each day. If you feel like crying then cry if you don't feel like seeing anyone then don't. Only you can know how you feel and no one else can tell you how you feel or know how you feel. For me, it's the worse thing that has ever happened to me and like you i had to watch him die and fade away. It's devastating. You are extremely raw at the minute but if you are blessed with family and friends keep them close. You will need them! If you need to chat please do. Look after yourself you're important too. Take care and stay safe.     



  • Just feel so cheated and devastated.

    i blame myself for wanting to keep him here .

    i just want things to be like they were and not 

    feel this pain x