Miss my mum so much!

I’m feeling really lonely. My mum died in March 17 after a very short and gruelling battle with colon cancer that had been previously misdiagnosed. She was my best friend and confidant and although I’m happily married with a little boy (3) I don’t feel like I have anywhere to turn. I don’t have any particularly close friends (location wise or relationship wise) and my husband tries to support me but is the strong silent type so I get a hug and that’s about it. I really don’t know what to do to

pull myself out of this! I just ended up googling ‘miss my mum’ and this forum came up and you seem like a friendly bunch! x

  • Hi Dannih, very sorry to hear about your mum. Sometimes, people find it easier and maybe helpful to confide in a stranger than their partner or family. My dad also died very suddenly and unexpectedly and I miss him so much as well. I have learned to try and cope with remembering myself all the good times I had with him and remembering him with people who might have known him (friends, family...). The loss of your mum is still very raw and you need time to grieve. I understand the circumstances weren't easy and if you ever need to chat with someone about anything to try and think about something else, message me. I'm sure you're a lovely person and your mum is proud of you. Big hugs to you

  • Thank you for your reply and very sorry to hear about your dad. I know I’m not the alone in the way I feel and everyone one grieves and copes differently. Thank you fro your kind offer of a chat too. I called my mums best friend tonight and cried on her! I need to keep busy. I’ve had too much time to sit and think the past few days! 

  • Hello Dannih; so pleased you have come to this forum.  Six months is not a long time when it comes to grieving for a loved one.  In any event there is no time limit on grieving - everyone moves through it at their own pace.  But it does help to have someone with whom you can talk.  My mam died from cancer thirty years ago now and I still miss her and hear her voice (not literally, just in my imagination).  I imagine talking with her too.  No-one is like your mum and she will always be a part of you.  As time goes on I have found that the pain wears away to a large extent but this can take time especially if you are bottling it up inside of you - so it is good that you have come here where you can talk as much as you like about your mum and your relationship with her - and people will understand.  I still keep a photo of my parents wedding in my home (they were married during WW2; a quick and not very smart wedding as clothes were rationed and my dad was about to be sent overseas in the army) and I am so pleased I still have that photo.  Looking forward to hearing more from you.  Annie