Mrs s - husband passed away

My husband passed away 2 weeks ago. He had lymphoma. It was my 2nd marriage. We had only been together for 8 years married for 3. We just didn't have enough time together. 

He was a truly lovely man. My soul mate. I miss him so much. I feel it was so unfair. I'm struggling to cope without him.

  • Hi Piranhafish, so sorry to read this. 

    When you've found a soulmate, time together is never enough.It isn't fair that you're left without him. But hopefully you both had the chance to say things to each other that some people overlook saying. You shared so much.

    Thinking of you.

    regards, gamechanger




  • Just sending you a vertual hug ... so so sorry ... wish I had words to help but you know that pain is beond words .. so just thinking of you ...  chrissie

  • I know how you’re husband passed away 20 months ago following bladder cancer which had metastasised.  We had been married for 13 years, 2nd time round for both of us, and I too feel that we didn’t have long enough and it is all too unfair.  He was also my very best friend and I thought we were going to grow old together - I miss him more than I can put into words.  Your grief is an expression of your love for him, and only time can help you cope with it.  Everyone deals with grief differently and there is no right or wrong way.  I found that I coped quite well early on but then went through a very dark period when I felt that I really didn’t want to carry on.  Family and friends try really hard to help and advise, but the best advice I can offer to you is to listen most to anyone who has been in the same or similar situation and try anything that they suggest may help, no matter how silly you think it may sound.  When I’ve been really low, the only person I want to talk to about things is my husband, so a few times I have written a letter to him as if he had just gone away for a time and I was telling him everything that had been happening while he was away and how much I miss him, and then I’ve taken the letter to our favourite place and hidden it away as if I’d posted it off to him.  It may sound slightly mad and a bit like denial,  but I felt better for doing it for a while and it helped me to get through some very dark moments.  I still miss him terribly and I still have bad days but acknowledging that your grief is very personal to you and taking comfort from anything that eases the pain (that’s obviously not detrimental to your health that is), is a step in the right direction. 

    I know what you’re going through and it’s really very hard, reach out when you need to, I’m here to chat if you’d like, 

    Best wishes x