losing mum

Hi i lost my mum in December 2017 after a very short illness to lung cancer which quickly spread.  I am finding it hard to cope without her.  My children keep me busy but at night all I think of is her.  It was a particularly cruel last 8 days and having to watch her go through this was horrendous.  I dream about her every night and have now started dreaming that my other family members are dead.  I have had a fleating thought a few times that if i were dead I would be with her but I know in reality that my children and husband would be left feeling as I do and I would not wish that on anybody.  I don't know how I'm going to move on or if i want to?  I just need some light at the end of the tunnel and at the moment there isn't any?



  • Hello joanne1978.  Welcome to this forum.  So sorry to hear about your mum; the shock of the diagnosis and the little time that she had left meant that  you had no time to prepare and were thrown straight into a painful situation.  I imagine that it is frightening and upsetting to wake up to the dreams you describe; you must spend several minutes in absolute terror.

    I don't know if you would consider talking to a bereavement counsellor; the best known one is Cruse Bereavement Care (0808 808 1677 - Freefone).  I suspect that like so many charities they may be struggling to keep up with demand but - depending on where  you live - they may be able to see you without delay.  Also of course I hope you are getting support from friends and family.  Please pursue this route to get you through what is a very distressing time for you.  There is another organisation called The Loss Foundation; I don't know much about them but they are an alternative for bereavement counselling (Tel 0300 200 012 - the price is that of a normal phone call).  Also please come and post here at any time you are feeling particularly low - many people do post during the night if they cannot sleep.   Best wishes.  Annie


  • Thank you for your reply.I think I know that in need to speak to someone out with my family who are also grieving.i will contact the counselling and hope that there is some help.