Losing my mum

I lost my mum yesterday after a two and a half year fight with cancer. I don't even know where to begin to deal with her loss. How do I cope?

  • I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mum 3 and a half years ago to ovarian cancer. She was diagnosed with it in August 2013, when I was expecting my 2nd child, she went through surgery and chemo and got the all clear in May 2014, as I found out I was expecting my 3rd child. In September 2014 it came back aggressively and perforated her bowel and she lost her fight a week after I gave birth to my 3rd child. There is not a day that goes past that I don't think about her and the things that she's missed but the only thing that keeps me going are the happy times and the strength that she had in fighting it. Its really tough, I'm not going to deny it, but with time you think more about the happy times than the sad. Be strong and be happy, that's what she'd want for you. Sending big hugs xx
  • Hello Jd1001976 .  Welcome to the forum.  So sorry about your mum; you must feel bereft at the moment.  Don't expect too much from yourself; take the days as they come and just deal with the things that need to be done; settling your mum's affairs, arranging a funeral and dealing with visitors.  I don't know your family situation but hope you have people close to you who can give support.  After my mum died from cancer some years ago I kept some of her belongings and would talk to her (either out loud or in my head); just do whatever helps you.

    I don't know if it is at all helpful but I am attaching a link to the section of this website which deals with grief. Wretched cancer - I would use a stronger word but they aren't allowed here - but I surely think it.  Keep in touch at any time with this forum if it helps you.  Annie
