My husband died

My husband was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in March 2015. It's been one very tough ride.

He was in denial for most of the time. The meds made him feel like he was fine. Then the meds stopped working and his blast cells grew at an alarming rate.

He was hospitalized on 20 February 2018 and given chemo. Initially, he was to come home for a few days after this first session and then return for another chemo session. He would have been prepped for the SCT soon after this second session.

He developed Trichosporiosis in his lungs and they were giving him antibiotics to treat this and he actually was doing well as his white blood cells started to pick up, albeit very slowly.

Then he developed a second fungal lung infection called Mucormycosis. He stood no chance and passed away on 25 April 2018.

I am devastated. I've lost my best friend.

It's mostly still so unreal.

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Berney although I'm really sorry to read that your husband passed away last month and on behalf of the moderation team I would like to offer you our heartfelt condolences.

    I'm glad you're posting on the forum as you'll find many kindred spirits who are sadly also working through the grief of losing their loved ones and I'm sure some of them will be along soon to offer their support and experiences with you.

    I know there isn't much I can say or do to make this situation any better for you but I just want you to know that we are here for you and our thoughts are with you at this time.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Oh hunny, all our thoughts are with you ... what a brave journey he had ... and to have your hand to hold on it, must have meant a great deal ... so many have no one ... 

    There's no words to make it easier, but our love and a big vertual hug to you ... and what a beautiful photo you put on here ... you can see the love ... Chrissy

  • Thank you Chrissy and Steph.  It means so much to me to be able to chat to people who have dealt with cancer first hand. I do have an amazing support system here at home and all of us have dealt with the death of a loved one, but none to cancer. None have witnessed the things that we have here on this forum.


    My utmost gratitude to you all.


    Love Berney.

  • Hi ... and any time you need it, wer here ... I've found the same thing, people think they know, but till it touches your life so closely, they are only guessing ... l won't plan anything to far ahead now... my moto is live for the day ... and take each day as a gift ... hold on to loved ones, and let miserable people go ..

    So anytime you need a chat, let it out ... no mater what it is, as someone on here will have walked that same path ... and it does seem to help just writing feelings down sometimes ... so take care of you now ... who cares for the carer...  bet he is really proud of you ... and he's there in your heart, tucked away safe, and no one can take that away ...   big hug Chrissie