Grandad passed away

Hello my Grandad past a way 4 months ago and I can’t deal with the pain and the emptyness cos I was so close to my grandad every day I went to see him or spoke to him on the phone and done everything for him. And what happened to my Grandad he had throat cancer and he got the all clear but the hospital never done any scan after that to see if it has come back or gone any where else. But then got rushed in to hospital cos he had really bad pain in he’s lower back and he’s oxygen was low and they said he had pneumonia and then they was treating him for that for 5 day and then they said he had COPDE then treating him for that for 7 day then sent him home on a Friday and on the sunday early morning he got rushed back in to hospital and by the Monday he past a way. but only if the hospital scanned him every 3 months he would still be a life to day it spread to he liver and he’s lungs he was only 64 he was my world  

  • I noticed this is the first time you post on the forum, so I just wanted to stop by and give you a warm welcome to Cancer Chat, danny25.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandad. 

    As many of our members can tell you, there is no right or wrong way to grieve, but I hope that chatting here with others who can relate to what you are going through will help you a little. 

    Also, there is a page from our website with information on coping with grief you might what to read when you have a minute.

    Stay strong, danny25, and remember we're here for you if you need a chat.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator