I lost my dad last Monday to prostate , bone and liver cancer . I’m heartbroken . He was my rock my world my best friend . How do I cope with this ?
I lost my dad last Monday to prostate , bone and liver cancer . I’m heartbroken . He was my rock my world my best friend . How do I cope with this ?
Keily, I'm so sorry your dad passed away last month and I just wanted to offer you my sincerest condolences and let you know my thoughts are with you at this time.
We have so many members on the forum also coping with the loss of their parents and loved ones and hopefully some of them will pop by soon to offer their support and advice.
I've included some information about coping with grief for you to have a look at and although it may not seem like it right now, you will get through this.
Kind regards,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi Keily, I have not experienced loss yet, but I want to say you'll be in my thoughts. I hope you get through this pain which is probably one of the worst things to experience. My suggestion to help cope wouldn't be maybe honor your father by doing things gen liked to do. Maybe he has a favorite restaraunt or activity he liked to do? I think doing things that will help you remember what a great dad he was to you will help you think of good memories during this tough time.
Hi Keily. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I lost my mum in January. How do you cope is a very good question..... I don't have that answer sorry, but I do know I get up every morning to support my other parent who's left behind. Do you have anyone else ???? Being strong in the outside world is one thing, but on here there are others just like us, so we're not alone, they listen and seem to give good advice.. All I would say and I haven't been on here long at all, but keep communicating, it seems to help honest. My dad has prostate cancer and tomorrow we find out if it's gone anywhere else , he was and is my rock,. I can't imagine loosing my dad. Stay strong, and speak any time.xx