Need healing advice

a close family member was diagnosed in 2008 with breast cancer. She had a mastectomy, chemo, breast reconstruction etc etc...

the cancer came back and eventually overcame her this year. She battled hard for 10 long years and i’m Finding it hard to come to terms with. 

I have lost a lot of family members in my life, through cancer and various other things - but this has really got me. 

I just wondered if anyone had any advice on how to come to terms with what has happened. It’s been over 2 months and I still cry everyday!! Xx


    Hi Smellbag,

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your close family friend to cancer and offer my sincere sympathy. I have lost both parents, several family members and close friends to cancer and am currently awaiting another batch of tests for a third cancer myself. It really is a devastating disease.

    We all grieve in different ways and take different amounts of time to come to terms with the loss of a loved one. Two months is not really long enough. You will gradually notice that you don't cry as much and you can start to look back on happier times rather than how it was at the end.

    I don't know whether or not this might help you, but I keep a photo of my mum in my living room near the door and I often find myself talking to her as I pass by. Since she died, I have striven to live my life as she would have wanted me to do and, I am proud that, on the whole, I have managed to achieve this.

    Would you consider talking to a counsellor? this isn't for everyone, but many people find this a great help. Don't worry about crying a lot. This is a great srtess reliever and your tears will gradually lessen as time goes by.

    We are always here for you whenever you want to talk.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post and a massive thanks for the reply. I’m genuinely sorry to hear of your losses and wish you the best of luck with your tests too. You’re right, cancer really is a devastating disease. I keep a photo of my aunt on me and talk to her all the time, I still expect the phone to ring or her to pop in for a cuppa and chat. With time i’m Sure i’ll Start feeling better about the whole thing, but it’s very reassuring that there’s people out there listeneing - and for that I thank you. Regards Smellbag. X