My mum died 5th Jan 2018, leaving my dad alone not coping

mum passed away 5th Jan 2018, I was her full time carer. She had copd. Between dad and I we looked after my mum. 4 months before mum died we lost my brother it was a tragic tragic accident, he came home got in his hot tub on his own, his girlfriend had gone out and he had a seizure, this then caused a heart attack, he was 43!  We got through this but only just mum dad and I supporting one another. But then mum became unwell again over Xmas and she finally lost her battle.  Dad is devistated Oh and also going through prostate cancer!!! I have arranged the funeral of both mum and brother.... But the hardest thing is doing the right thing for my dad. I am there at his every day. I cook most nights for him.  If I didn't go he'd see no one, but now I'm starting to not cope. I come home and every night just in tears.  When around him I have to be strong. I have a partner and two grown up kids but none of them seem to understand or have the time. I just want to hide in bed and never get up EVER.....  HELP please 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Jammol although I'm sorry to read what a tough time you and your family have had over the last few months and I would like to offer my condolences on the passing of your mum and brother.

    I can't being to imagine what you're going through right now but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. You may find it comforting to read this recent discussion on the forum where some of our members are sharing their thoughts and feelings on coping with the loss of their mothers. Do feel free to join in as our members are very supportive and will do what they can to help. 

    Do make sure you get some help for yourself if you are finding it difficult to cope at the moment Jammol. Your GP can point in the direction of resources that may be available to you and your dad at this time so do book in with them to let them know what's going on. You may also benefit from bereavement counselling. If you'd like to find out more, just click here.

    Best wishes to you all at this difficult time, 

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there ... so sorry I missed your thread ... no wonder your worn out ... I think wer Simerla to a battery when things come along like this ... and you sound like your running on flat ... be kind to your heart , and understand any one of those things is enough to wear you down emotionally ... and you've had one after another ...

    I know as I had a lot going on emotionally with me and family at mo ... and no matter what, I have to take one or two (if I'm lucky) to just stop and have a day just for me, and when I do the next day I feel ready to start again ... as the battery is nearly fully charged ... no wonder you just want it all to stop ...

    Practically if I was you, I'd look at it like , your mum's now with your brother ... she's by his side and he's not alone up there ... and I bet they are both looking down on the two of you, and are so proud of what your trying to do for your dad ... next, phone McMillan for advice with your dad ... and they may have info how you could get someone round his for helping with one or two meals ... or get him some ready meals that just need microwaving. . Then explain to your dad you need a day or maybe two, where you need time for you , and you do love him and will support him as much as you can, just not every day ...

    Maybe McMillan could get your dad someone to talk too or counselling. . Just know you are human, and not superwoman ... so now realise just how amazing you have been ... and you must look after you too ... so sending you a big hug ... always here if you want a chat ... Chrissie xx 

  • Chriss thank you, your the first person who seems to understand. Who has actually said something of support, rather than ignoring me. To be honest I'm lost, I don't feel I can carry on. It's a very lonely place to be at the moment. I feel I have lost everything, I pretend in front of dad all is okay yet it really really isn't, and I don't believe life will ever be more than it is now. This forum probably isn't for this, I shouldn't be feeling so sorry for myself, but I have no one else to talk too, and they say that talking is good. Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital with dad, he has prostate cancer and we have to see the consultant to see if it's going, or gone or even returned.... I don't know what to do or say if it's bad news...bless dad he's been through enough he doesn't need anything else surely. Sorry I'm going on again!!! Thank you so so much for listening and if you do have any other good ideas please voice them as on my own I'm drowning. Thank you. Abi xx

  • O.k Abby. . 

    I'm here ... your not alone ... and you really need to hold on ... just imagine what your dad would do if he lost you too ... he wouldn't be missing a day or two a week, he'd have no one ... and if his prostrate is bad news , I wonder if he could cope alone .... you can do this ...

    Years ago, I went through a really hard time , where all I could see was a big black hole....

    I remember my oldest son on the phone saying "come up mum, I'm here", and had a choice, big black hole or go and reach out to my son ... I'm so glad I reached out .. it didn't get better over night, but slowly I got my life back on track .. baby steps, I just took baby steps ... and held on to that life line my son held out ... you hold on to the lifebelt when you feel like your drowning..

    If I'd have jumped in that hole, I would never have seen my grandkids ... especially Emily (pictured) now I look at life differently ... everyday I find something to make me smile ... even with this cancer, I've got buddies on here I'd never have known without it ...

    So please hold on to my hand ... and years down the line, you'll look back like I did and realise just how much you'll loose if you give in now ... I'll send you a friend request and just keep it open, and I'm here most days ... you look in that mirror and say yes I can ... any time you want a chat or scream or just tell me about your day , you'll know your not alone ... I can't take it away , but I can share this time with you till you feel strong enough ... 

    Sending you a big hug ... Chrissie xx