
Hi guys hope you are all doing well and had a good easter x cant remember if i posted about this but my nans funeral was in febuary was a mess all day x im now in depression x 

But on a brighter side i got the call for a kidney transplant a week after saying goodbye to her x im no religious person but for me that was my nan saying things will be ok from now on x she always told me"when im gone dont be sad stay strong remember the holidays and christmas's together remember me for when i was strong" im so so glad i suprised her christmas day x i never told her i was going up so to see her smile that big made me so happy she hadnt smiled like that in so long x when we left i never say goodbye x it was always see you later x iv always said i will never say goodbye x because it never will be goodbye xxx please stay strong laddies x we can do this xxxx

  • I'm sorry you've now entered the depression stage of grief Gemma. I've included some information we have about coping with grief for you to read but if you find things are getting a bit too much do make sure you speak to your doctor or think about bereavement counselling to help you at this time.

    I'm glad you've got some lovely memories of your nan to call upon at this time and even though coping with the loss of a loved one is tough, you will get through this.

    I hope all goes well with your kidney transplant Gemma.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator