
New to the forum and just reading all your messages that ring so true to how I am feeling. It's so painful and can't imagine a time when it will be any different. My husband passed away at the end of last year and I was able to be with him during his last week never leaving his side but I just want another few minutes to say all the things that I feel I should have said and to hold him one last time. Love to you all at this most painful time in our lives.


  • Hi there, I am truly sorry about your husband and I think it is truly normal to want a few more minutes to talk again but I'm sure your husband knew everything you want to say. Being with him until his last moments takes dedication and I really applaud you for that.

    Hoping you have many other family members who are helping you during this hard time and pain lessens in time as they say but i'm not sure if it fully goes away. Good luck with everything. 

  • I’m very sorry to hear of your pain. I just wanted to stop by and say that Im sure it would have meant so much To your husband that you spent every bit of time you had left with him. I hope you find some peace. Treasure all the wonderful memories you shared together x

  • Thank you so much for your replies. I never realised the pain that others had suffered until I was in the position myself. The loss of such a wonderful person is heartbreaking and something you can never prepare yourself for although like similar stories we also didn't know he was so ill until only days before he passed away. That whole time in the hospital, before his condition was diagnosed and the days that followed, I can't get out of my mind. To see him so poorly broke my heart. I know I should try and think about the many good memories that I have but I'm finding it hard to do. Thank you again for your kind words Nicole and Dawn Angela.
  • Hi

    i know it’s not the same as losing your husband but I lost my mum 3 weeks ago and I know what you mean about seeing your loved one so poorly. Mum had cancer and had lost avlot of weight and had no energy at all so was in her bed for the month before she passed. I found her in the morning when I went to her house to give her her breakfast. We just hadn’t expected her to go suddenly in the night or someone would have stayed with her, That image haunts me. Everyone says it will pass in time but right now it’s so hard to picture her up and about, healthy and laughing like she used to. Sending hugs xxx