
I dont usually get involved in stuff like this and when I do it's usually after a drink... I lost my mother In 2009 at the age of 57, no age! Me, my brother and my father have never experienced grief like it, it was totally out of the blue, unexpected, my 'mam' used to do everything for our family, my dad suffers from manic depression so when my mother took bad it was up to Me and my brother to run the show...my dad took it bad, as expected, my brother blamed every weekend binge on my mams behalf... myself, I did not show any emotion, I didn't know how to? I felt I had to stay strong for my father! I had people who knew my mam and dad comin up to Me during the service asking me how I had stayed so strong?  Truth being I didn't know any other way from about the age of 6 with my dad being a loon!  After the dust has settled, 9/10 years later, you never ever 4get about the people you loved! Im not an emotional person but reading these accounts put in perspective of what I thought of my mother and how much I miss her! #findacure x

  • Hello 1wintafc; and welcome.  It is never too late to grieve.  My mam (I am from the north east and always called her that) died more than thirty years ago and I still have my sad moments and regrets.  I hope you find that reading the accounts of other peoples' losses helps you with this.  Take a bit of time just to sit and think about your mum, talk to your mum (either out loud or in your head, whatever suits you best), write things down, anything that helps you.  And of course you can keep coming here and tell us about your mum .  I guess I am saying "let it out".  You never stop missing your loved ones.  Annie