My friend's husband

I’ve just heard on Sunday that my friends husband went into hospital on Sunday & has pass away @ 48 hours later how can this be without any systems. I’m so confused @ the moment & his wife is more shocked than me. Can someone explain how this can happen. So sad

  • Hello cane,

    I am so sorry to hear of the sudden passing of your friend's husband 48h only after going into hospital. I suspect your friend's husband had been diagnosed with cancer? 

    I just wanted to pass on my sincere condolences to your friend on behalf of the Cancer Chat team. It is terribly sad when something so unexpected happens and it must be a real shock for all the family.

    I hope you can help your friend through this difficult time and I am sure she will appreciate your support at the moment. If she ever needs to talk about these traumatic experiences, do let her know please that we are all here for her if she ever needs to get in touch with others who know exactly what she is going through at the moment.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

