Mum passed away on 7th March after the bravest 2 year battle against oesophageal cancer. We were waiting for the results of a scan to determine the next course of treatment so, even though she was very weak and had been in bed for about a month, there had been no terminal diagnosis so it came as an unbelievable shock. I visited her every morning before work to give her her breakfast and on Wednesday 7th March found her dead in her bed. She had all this blood coming out of her nose. The doctor said she’d had a gastrointestinal haemorrhage, as a result of the cancer. I can’t get that image out of my head and I feel I let her down. She lived alone so died alone. I’ll never know if she suffered or if it was quick. Her funeral was on Saturday and I still cry every day, a few times a day. I don’t know when I’ll be ready to go back to work. My husband and 5-year old daughter get me through every day. I just wondered if anyone has been through a similar experience?