So I'm 16 and I lost my mum to stomach and oesophagus cancer in July last year. She was only 51 and it happened so fast. She was ill from December 2016 but was misdiagnosed and only found out in april, 3 months before she passed away. Christmas was awful, my mum had preordered me a present so I spent the whole of christmas crying and sleeping. Recently I've been struggling really bad and applying for uni and she isn't here with me on my journey. Hopefully going to the same uni as she did and doing the same course also isn't helping. I've lost my appetite and struggling to sleep and have a constant pain in my chest and constantly feeling sick. I don't feel motivated to do anything anymore and I feel iv'e been really lazy since she passed away. Does anyone have any tips on this? My mum was my best friend and everything to me and I just feel awful.