I don't even know where to begin so will just write my story n ask advice on what to do x February last year I found out I was pregnant, my dad was so happy for me. March 22nd my dad told me he had stage 4 lung cancer, 23rd I started bleeding, 24th I had to have methotrexate as I was having a cornial ectopic, I convinced myself it was to save my dad. Anyway my dad was told the cancer had spread and i started doing what i could to care for him. July 8th my cat was killed, 9th my son had serious motorbike accident, 10th my dad died in the hospice. I didn't cry not even at his funeral because I'd promised I'd be strong. I some how got through just about coping, was put on antidepressants and thought I was doing ok well it seems I'm not because I'm constantly crying when alone, I still try to ring my dad when I need a chat and get up early on a Sunday as he always visited on a Sunday. Afew days ago I got near to the hospice to see him and realised what I was doing so just sat crying and now I'm really finding it harder than ever because I too have health worries. What do i do how can I grieve without it affecting me like this? I feel so alone because my dad was my world and was always there x I went everyday to help care for him and I'd written a letter to tell him what he meant to me and how much I love him x I feel empty and it's starting to affect my relationship with my children and partner I don't no what to do