Hi guys,
My dad has lung cancer and secondary brain cancer. He has a finite time left to live and it is scaring the *** out of me. I spoke to Talking Therapies this week as I am struggling to deal with my dad dying and it didn't really help hence I am on here. I have an amazingly close relationship with my dad and he and my brother are my best friends, I am so scared of my dad knowing he is dying, that's the thing that is killing me. He has always been such a strong man but he has become so frail and weak and the idea of him being afraid, well, I can't cope with it. If I could take his place I would do it in a heart beat. I really don't know where to to turn or who to talk to. I have a loving family but find it really hard to talk about this stuff. I am completely lost at the moment, I have read some of the messages on this website and everyone genuinely seems to want to help each other and all of the replies have left me in tears but have also given me a belief in mankind. I am going through an existential crisis, I honestly don't understand why we are here or why, what was the purpose of my dad's life when the end is so painful and pathetic. I don't want my dad to die but there is nothing I can do about it. I have always been the positive one in the family but I am struggling to deal with a basic reason to live at the moment, it all seems so pointless. I know I will survive after he dies but I don't even want to think about him not being here, it doesn't seem like an end of an era it seems like the end of life itself.