I lost my Dad

On the 4th October my Dad was diagnosed with lymphoma in his neck. He was admitted that day to hospital as although he had a lump for 2yrs undiagnosed, it had started to become very painful & enlarged. He felt like his chest was rattling & swallowing & breathing weren't easy.

He had a CT scan, blood tests, x-ray, heart echo & after saying it was isolated to his neck& confirming with a specialist that his heart was strong enough for Chemo they started treatment.

He was 70yrs old & had a torn aorta.

A week later he was sent home despite my concerns he was confused & acting out of character. 

6 days later I broke into his house & found him dead on his bedroom floor.

I'm finding it so hard to come to terms with. I feel like I was robbed of my Dad. Nobody at the hospital or social services would listen to my concerns that he was acting confused & I said he shouldn't go home on his own.

The coroner said that the cancer HAD spread to his heart.

I believe he fell & Then his heart stopped working.

I keep replaying his room & where he was lying in my my mind like a crime scene.

I miss him so much. I know that no one will ever love me like he did. =(

The world isn't the same without him.

  • Hi Ami,

    I am sorry to hear what you and your dad went through. Sometimes the doctors are wrong and sometimes someone has an underlying condition that wasn't known that effects things. Either way, the loss is just as painful.  I hope you find peace and comfort in the time you did have with him. I'll be thinking of you.


    Laura x