Help. My husband passed away

My husband passed away from esophageal adenocarcinoma, spread to the liver, diaphragm, lymph, pelvic and stomach. Plus he had COPD stage 4. Even though we fought together this terrible terminal disease with naturopath,  veggie and fruit juice,  1:1   cannabis oil, misotoe, high dose vitamin C , try to increase pH to alkaline. Try all we could. We pray, we had faith all the time. God was with him through this terrible journey. Our children were very supportive. But after 34 years with my loving husband and soulmate,  it is hard to function, nothing is the same without Him. I cry, I can't function. I feel that I am just existing. The love of my life is gone. And I am ready to go,  how can I go on without my soulmate 

  • Hi again Ginaandme,

    I replied to your other post without realising you'd posted another one under the same heading.

    I have the same type of cancer as your husband had. Also at stage 4, but it hadn't spread quite so far before I started chemo, which luckily stopped it spreading further.

    You mention several complementary therapies. Did your husband also have any conventional treatment such as chemo, radiotherapy or surgery? Most people on this forum are in the UK, where conventional treatment is free. I can only imagine the heartache caused in countries where such treatment has to be paid for by the patient or their families and hard choices have to be made when someone is ill.

    Best wishes


  • We are in the US,.treatments can be expensive. But we have Kaiser insurance. Drs choose practically patients treatment. Insurance does not cover naturopath treatment. The esophageal cancer was removed. Then Drs said that chemo and radiation would be bad for his COPD. He had 30% lung capacity.Drs told us that all cancer was removed. 3 months later he went for Barrets treatment where Dr burned part of the esophagus. The same day of the procedure he was released from the hospital. He felt so bad that 7 hrs later I took him to Emergency, Drs did  CT scan and found that cancer went to the liver. At that point, he started naturopath treatment, because it was no other option. I guess, it was no other option when doctor' found cancer the first time on January of 2017. He did not have a chance with COPD stage 4 and cancer. Three months before Drs diagnose that he had cancer, he had a Gi bleed, at that time they saw the nodge in the esophagus but Drs decided not to biopsy, because they where looking where the  bleed was. My poor husband was sick for a while,.he try so hard to get better. We had faith in God, hope and our love.

  • Thank you Davek for your support. I wish the best for you. I am so glad to know that your treatment went well. You are so good on replying and giving part of you to all who needs you. Thank you.

    God bless you always 

  • Hi again,

    Thank goodness he had insurance. So sad that the COPD ruled out two treatments and so limited his options.

    Similarly, surgery and radiotherapy was ruled out as an option for me as the primary has grown around my aorta. 

    You definitely did everything humanly possible under the circumstances.

    Best wishes