My husband died from lymphoma on 20/11/2017, 6 days before my 55th birthday. He died very quickly, didn't struggle nor was he in pain. He started to breath loud that morning and couldn't settle in bed, he was agitated. And he died within 2 hours of woken up that morning. I couldn't believe it, doctor said he had weeks to live but he died 3 days after the doctor had said that. I miss him so so much, he was only 53, we were together 26 years only. I knew he died but for some weird reason I kept wanting to see him. The first 2-3 weeks I sort of excepted him not being there but as days went longer of not seeing him, I felt lost and longing to see him. Why do I feel like that when I know he won't be back?.I want him to cuddle me, tell me he loves me like he always did, and now there is that emptiness and no one Dan make me feel like the same any more. I get on with life but I can not be the same funny, loving person like I was. I just miss him.